Contestant - A contestant is any individual, group, restaurant, etc., hereinafter referred to as a team, that will prepare and cook the entry to be judged according to the Kelly Thronson Memorial Backyard BBQ rules. Each team will be comprised of a head cook and up to (2) assistants. All contestants must have one team representative check-in during registration the morning of the contest from 6:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. If this is not possible, the team shall contact the contest organizer or one of the contest representatives before registration and inform them of their absence. Cook teams absent from the registration understand and accept all responsibility for understanding these rules and any changes that may occur before or during registration. Violating the rules may result in your product not being served to the public. The KTMBBQ contest meeting will be held at 9:00 a.m.
Equipment - Each team will supply all the equipment necessary for the preparation and cooking of their entry, including a cooker, wood, charcoal, or wood pellets. Teams may share a cooker or grill with any other team. Each team must separate their product and be responsible for it, including cooking tables, etc. The only thing provided to the contestants is the cooking area and two racks of pork and back ribs, and if they compete in the chicken, a pack of 8 bone-in thighs will be provided. All contestants MUST adhere to all local electrical, fire, and other codes.
Meat Inspection - All the meat used for the competition will be provided by KTMBBQ representatives. All contestants will receive (2) full racks of pork, back ribs, to prepare and cook to their specifications for the judges, and (8) bone-in chicken thighs. Additional racks can be purchased and prepared for the contest for an additional $20 per rack, and no additional chicken will be offered. Only meat provided on the morning of the contest will be allowed in the contest. You are allowed to cook other meat products during the day for you and other contestants to consume. All meat, before preparation and cooking, must always be covered and chilled. Minimum cooking temperatures for ribs and chicken: Ribs 145°F and Chicken 165 °F. After cooking, the meat must be maintained at a minimum temperature of 140 °F in a covered container until turned in to the judges. All contest meat may not leave the cooking area until turned in. You or one of your team members must always be in the cooking area during the competition.
Cooking Fuels - Approved cooking media include wood, charcoal, gas, electric, and wood pellets. Propane gas or electrical heating elements may be used. A propane gas flame or electrical heating element can be used in the cooker after the meat has entered the cooker or during the cooking process. A propane gas flame or electrical heating element can be used in the cooker during a part of the cooking process.
Approved Cookers - The KTMBBQ will allow the use of any wood, charcoal, propane gas, electric, or wood-fired cookers, whether homemade or commercially manufactured. Electric or manually operated rotisseries or rating shelves are permitted during the cooking process. Electric or manually operated wood, charcoal, or wood pellet augers are permitted during the cooking process. Electric or manually operated power draft devices are permitted during the cooking process. Ovens or crock pots are NOT allowed to prepare pork ribs or chicken for the contest.
Contestant Site - Teams will be allowed to set up designated areas at the Norman County Fairgrounds using the space provided by KTMBBQ; additional space will be allowed if deemed necessary. If vehicles take up too much room, you may be asked to park away from the cooking area. You are responsible for all your own equipment and supplies, and KTMBBQ representatives and/or volunteers are not responsible for lost or missing items. All equipment, including a cooker, canopy, trailer, etc., must be contained within one continuous space. You are responsible for your own power supply. If you want to set up the night before the competition, you are allowed to do so between the times of 6:00-8:00 p.m. Contest site parameters: Norman County Fairgrounds.
Behavior - Every team member, including members and guests, is expected and required to exhibit proper and courteous behavior at all times. The team is responsible for obeying local laws.
Cleanliness and Sanitation - All teams are expected to maintain their cook sites in an orderly and clean manner and use good sanitary practices during the preparation, cooking, and judging. Sanitary gloves are always required when handling food. Failure to use sanitary gloves may result in disqualification. Teams are responsible for cleaning their site once the competition has ended. All federal, state, and local food safety rules and regulations must always be adhered to. Please dump grease in designated containers. Please dispose of used or unused charcoal in designated containers.
Judging - Judges for the contest are local, and most have judged the contest in the past. New judges are local business owners. A trophy and prize money will be awarded to the top three contestants. There will be 1st ($500), 2nd ($250), and 3rd ($100) place prizes and trophies for Pork Ribs and 1st ($250), 2nd ($150), and 3rd ($50) place prizes and trophies for Chicken.
- Each team will be provided with (2) racks of pork back ribs to cook as an entry for the rib contest. If competing in chicken, you will be given a package of (8) bone-in chicken thighs. To compete in the people’s choice contest, you will need to register and compete in the rib competition. (Additional racks can be purchased for the contest for $20 per rack.)
- Teams must place (6) full chicken thighs in a designated container you received at registration. You are allowed to prepare the chicken any way you desire. You will need to present the chicken in a manner that best displays the product, as product appeal will be judged. The chicken may be de-boned but remain intact as a whole piece of meat. Turn in cooked chicken at the registration table between 2:45 pm and 3:00 pm.
- Teams need to slice individual ribs, place them in a designated container at registration, and deliver them to the registration table between 3:45 pm and 4:00 pm. You are allowed to prepare the ribs in any way you desire. You will need to present the ribs in a manner that best displays the product, as product appeal will be judged. You will need to provide a minimum of (8) ribs in the turn-in container.
- Judging will occur immediately after turning in each chicken and ribs. The contest will be rated on presentation (appeal, placement), taste (flavor), tenderness (overall bite), and appearance (color uniformity).
- Awards are given at 5:15 p.m.
- Garnishes and leafy greens will be allowed. You may use a bed of leafy greens to enhance the presentation and appearance of your product. Allowable produce: kale, spinach, lettuce, parsley, etc.
Disqualifications - An entry can be disqualified by KTMBB representatives only. An entry can be disqualified for any of the following reasons:
- There is something in the container besides meat and a leafy garnish.
- There is evidence that the meat is uncooked.
- The entry is turned in after the designated time.
- Gloves are not used when handling food products.
- Not cooking the ribs as a single piece of meat. Cannot slice the ribs before or during.
- Not cooking the meat that was handed out to the teams.
People’s Choice Competition - In honor of Marc Gordon. Marc got the BBQ Competition started.
A team may cook any type of food product: 51% of the product must contain a meat protein. Examples: Chicken wings, stuffed mushrooms, meat-wrapped vegetables or fruit, meat-filled pastries, etc.
You will be required to register for the contest and can do so the morning of or before the event. A contest representative will be allowed to inspect your protein to ensure it complies with State and/or Federal regulations. You will need to make your product on-site: no pre-made items are allowed. Example: jalapenos cut and stuffed before arriving at the contest.
A team will need to provide a minimum of 75-100 samples to be judged by other contestants and the community. The teams competing will be clearly marked, so people will know which team to visit. Teams are encouraged to serve as many reasonable samples above 75.
You will need to have a description of your product read and be able to explain the product and where the idea comes from.
To participate in the people's choice competition, a person or team must compete in the rib or chicken cook-off.
Votes will be tallied, and the winner will be announced before the official rib announcement.
Award: traveling Pig Trophy and bragging rights! If you cook for fun, you might as well show off your skills!